Locid Acidity quick solutions What Causes Acid Reflux Disease?

One normal reason for heartburn sickness is a stomach irregularity called a hiatal hernia What to do for acidity . This happens when the upper piece of the stomach and LES move over the stomach, a muscle that isolates your stomach from your chest. Regularly, the stomach helps keep corrosive in our stomach. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you have a hiatal hernia, corrosive can climb into your throat and cause side effects of heartburn sickness What to do for acidity . These are other normal gamble factors for heartburn illness: Eating huge dinners or resting just after a supper Being overweight or stout Solutions to heart burn Eating a weighty dinner and lying on your back or twisting around at the midriff Eating near sleep time Eating specific food varieties, like citrus, tomato, chocolate, mint, garlic, onions, or hot or greasy food sources Drinking specific refreshments, like liquor, carbonated beverages, espresso, or tea Smoking Being pregnant Taking headache medicine, ...